BEGIN; BEGIN select c_custkey, c_name, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue, c_acctbal, n_name, c_address, c_phone, c_comment from customer, orders, lineitem, nation where c_custkey = o_custkey and l_orderkey = o_orderkey and o_orderdate >= date '1993-06-01' and o_orderdate < cast(date '1993-06-01' + interval '3 month' as date) and l_returnflag = 'R' and c_nationkey = n_nationkey group by c_custkey, c_name, c_acctbal, c_phone, n_name, c_address, c_comment order by revenue desc LIMIT 20; c_custkey | c_name | revenue | c_acctbal | n_name | c_address | c_phone | c_comment -----------+--------------------+------------------+-----------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3689620 | Customer#003689620 | 917257.458656203 | 4661.56 | EGYPT | TTAtTGFV8zH3pBVKcnZScVgZp | 14-719-707-4048 | regular requests around the 3688225 | Customer#003688225 | 896862.544721872 | 6492.03 | GERMANY | gss0tZAYHveSVyoBHUfV4wGTA 1JC7 | 17-568-343-6805 | es. carefully regular dependencies nod blithely even, even pinto beans. fluf 3873586 | Customer#003873586 | 815830.587950461 | 8735.78 | BRAZIL | 5xKWZ ylWVfeAlPWEVx | 12-813-310-6946 | he brave, pending instructions nod furiously across the special, even ideas. instructions sleep blithely 2836201 | Customer#002836201 | 807795.801278825 | 4003.03 | FRANCE | oF1AsYWtn,TeGRGOFejzdX7MeWkhs | 16-861-619-5296 | against the furiously express ideas cajole furiously pending foxes. blithely final account 11771368 | Customer#011771368 | 802687.743999089 | 2041.57 | KENYA | Q5jUQh9t4qz1G18wrx9KDaVEILDWEof17HG | 24-174-347-8312 | nts boost blithely across the theodolites. platelets wake after the ironically unusual 12385960 | Customer#012385960 | 801820.241195178 | 8653.14 | GERMANY | i9DhczDp5ElgBe9876woRPS kQ | 17-703-251-5278 | yly. blithely silent tithes above the express instructions cajole carefully express ide 2820532 | Customer#002820532 | 795078.197393155 | 7502.7 | INDIA | NdsqI2s CVc | 18-992-171-1003 | ven deposits detect quickly against the quickly regular waters. blithely ironic dugouts sleep always against the 2750362 | Customer#002750362 | 791645.2451055 | 5771.3 | ALGERIA | GWPz VwxxXeo8D | 10-169-507-6276 | aggle slyly regular depths. fluffily bold deposits wake after the regular fox 2343769 | Customer#002343769 | 791505.706523309 | -462.03 | ARGENTINA | QpC1hWcJi,xo3zdjnn | 11-930-479-3032 | hely special dolphins. carefully final i 6535846 | Customer#006535846 | 786958.023354495 | 5466.28 | FRANCE | fr6YJbtpyKXhWaNU3 | 16-777-918-6437 | lyly blithe deposits. instructions are furi 8183884 | Customer#008183884 | 786326.350325677 | 4821.12 | RUSSIA | SndGYLCP4uFD | 32-745-785-5463 | s. slyly bold packages along the pending packages nag regular foxes-- slyly pending ideas w 14383264 | Customer#014383264 | 782118.346064503 | 9111.24 | JORDAN | MmVOq hKxRxMH5mQSWLNR | 23-467-968-4947 | pinto beans about the slyly regular mult 9256810 | Customer#009256810 | 781737.061561202 | 3611.46 | BRAZIL | OkWWx7sfo0sHqZthCakN,1bKdiwPUuMf6by | 12-142-536-4795 | pinto beans integrate. deposits nag alongside of the final instructions. quickly final accounts was furiously 34492 | Customer#000034492 | 773475.743305785 | -328.4 | PERU | CmwFo5bgm2hc9Mx23M LAy | 27-662-320-8966 | sual accounts after the ironic deposits integrate blithely unusual ideas. 4845280 | Customer#004845280 | 771932.152917228 | 4773.77 | SAUDI ARABIA | 1zHLUxbt2zp8TXpcfyT1AlZBA7JhXt6Cwh0WlTa | 30-351-583-9137 | ke furiously ironic foxes-- blithely regular accounts integrate furiou 3618592 | Customer#003618592 | 769223.605370387 | 2395.17 | CHINA | RoRiut4O8DJFlruah4nt2iPxk2NEDXl hPn | 28-484-627-2346 | counts across the final dinos nag carefully according to the 2630089 | Customer#002630089 | 766193.850826418 | 4425.48 | ARGENTINA | XbXVvLSxjK0XRzMo66L,88PhKh7,fK0vc7fIkvv | 11-782-285-9399 | to beans. slyly regular warthogs play fu 485335 | Customer#000485335 | 765785.941288653 | 9126.02 | CHINA | vEWKT1YapOLSsbnxaOa0Sp | 28-510-388-7746 | lithely carefully unusual accounts. slyly even grouches after the regular dolphins wake careful 6851086 | Customer#006851086 | 763879.446841638 | 3530.48 | MOZAMBIQUE | Rpb3saFJC6oNZdG0iu | 26-235-980-1434 | ourts use furiously across the furiously final forg 7447864 | Customer#007447864 | 763221.739631833 | 9073.6 | INDIA | ArzNsk9uRvfxuBporDo7 | 18-409-359-3735 | ng the furiously even packages! ideas integrate fluffily alongside of the quickl (20 rows) COMMIT; COMMIT