BEGIN; BEGIN select c_custkey, c_name, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue, c_acctbal, n_name, c_address, c_phone, c_comment from customer, orders, lineitem, nation where c_custkey = o_custkey and l_orderkey = o_orderkey and o_orderdate >= date '1994-09-01' and o_orderdate < cast(date '1994-09-01' + interval '3 month' as date) and l_returnflag = 'R' and c_nationkey = n_nationkey group by c_custkey, c_name, c_acctbal, c_phone, n_name, c_address, c_comment order by revenue desc LIMIT 20; c_custkey | c_name | revenue | c_acctbal | n_name | c_address | c_phone | c_comment -----------+--------------------+------------------+-----------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2377909 | Customer#002377909 | 900887.011854949 | 6823.62 | INDONESIA | DhUhheX,nNA uoX9En401PLsWiEGmZjKzvR | 19-350-716-9588 | ncies wake slyly. never bold patterns are q 4645945 | Customer#004645945 | 890724.120025836 | 2317.11 | JORDAN | ihxaYa81Cl8z3pUlXX | 23-516-919-5498 | kages play furiously ironic excuses. packages print slyly pending packages. blithely pending deposits are ca 7246348 | Customer#007246348 | 878136.824227028 | 7484.99 | PERU | sCUotLvw2RQxMzcuTBz68lOSLR8L8eCRwpsKNz2 | 27-752-370-8316 | lly about the quietly pending foxes: pinto beans are carefully requests. qui 9246808 | Customer#009246808 | 841110.256495747 | 4710.25 | BRAZIL | 4qFNp42xu7bMw | 12-443-944-1441 | ideas. requests nag. carefully pending theodolites cajole quickly carefully final requests. regula 9399409 | Customer#009399409 | 831985.375495733 | 6788.33 | SAUDI ARABIA | kOgDpbSfksd | 30-462-646-7966 | kages doubt ironic ideas. requests cajole. even, regular foxes sleep. furiously even requ 5493082 | Customer#005493082 | 831779.832110267 | 9573.54 | ARGENTINA | suKKdFwusPUthgyJB,qvUOdQEhgQYlQ6, | 11-986-407-7709 | ackages. special requests against the regular, pending packages sleep sometimes special packag 12552469 | Customer#012552469 | 830578.397735695 | 4515.74 | IRAN | czs5rilpcOpcxgX | 20-527-497-4932 | e accounts. fluffily ironic deposits cajole. ironically ironic requests wake s 4046470 | Customer#004046470 | 815158.150068531 | 5889.04 | UNITED STATES | B5FarjKvNbaTUHUbY9j,hivr,dIQPbA2J3x5 | 34-381-700-4612 | final, even foxes wake. furiously silent courts sleep carefully. deposits among the bold, even ideas sl 7478951 | Customer#007478951 | 808008.181673932 | -150.13 | IRAN | DA,e7COIsNZFb1jwz,vrDt2GJycK | 20-716-324-9704 | ependencies are. furiously ironic pinto beans wake carefully 771608 | Customer#000771608 | 805584.957464212 | 7661.28 | PERU | f7Z8366wKHorwllLHSR587athenlah x5Lq8TM | 27-456-166-9352 | nts snooze furiously from the furiously final accounts. slyly regular accounts cajole carefu 1879171 | Customer#001879171 | 802010.872108448 | 7295.93 | PERU | ,fMyMKbsOxIAcJbTtYGgMTHq8ymG1sCIBvXAl | 27-430-252-6939 | unusual deposits boost carefully ironic accounts. unusual deposits wake caref 14856250 | Customer#014856250 | 795760.493042277 | 3518.98 | IRAN | ldA3IXuew7FFsWvOU4APFDAFP | 20-156-445-8135 | deposits. carefully pending platelets sleep according to the enticing requests. furiously reg 6589624 | Customer#006589624 | 794439.902772984 | 9381.78 | BRAZIL | 8udV 0cvCNgQ5Kv | 12-921-482-5572 | final, express accounts thrash quickly above the furiously ironic dugouts. regular, even deposits throughout 3572281 | Customer#003572281 | 792709.09624366 | 717.19 | ROMANIA | eCDgQwSipzQUGE7pmr8kfAj6MAC | 29-317-248-5871 | along the fluffily even packages use blithely ruthlessly special foxes. express, special ideas nag a 14828368 | Customer#014828368 | 780524.128040843 | 6278.46 | CHINA | EFCE7p1IK2hb4oYGkDLVttcITJraz rhN | 28-180-789-5174 | ular foxes. even, even courts detect bold, pending d 1191625 | Customer#001191625 | 778820.859583889 | 1079.61 | EGYPT | yx1XQNfaPAtqOJ rV ,Zp6FREPxOEg | 14-883-758-4335 | ites nag carefully blithely pending accounts. theodolites breach furiously. quickly regular patt 9442150 | Customer#009442150 | 777751.708287342 | -114.32 | MOROCCO | QWntoT6tT97IRz | 25-453-236-4185 | place of the blithely regular requests. pending instruction 5996866 | Customer#005996866 | 775473.482612103 | 914.02 | MOROCCO | U25Ito0U7EIKgbnoW | 25-866-809-6763 | carefully dolphins. slyly silent accounts are finally in place of t 5716165 | Customer#005716165 | 773238.074584825 | 2085.55 | SAUDI ARABIA | nPgGT0QAdEYwZ8LmfYo5Su4Vs | 30-392-906-6465 | was slyly fluffily silent instructions. carefully silent deposits haggle quickly. excuses boost. 1481773 | Customer#001481773 | 770010.553597251 | 3546.78 | ROMANIA | Zy7kp7QH9NS Jrh,7g 8G,u6D | 29-487-404-4382 | use among the furiously regular packages. (20 rows) COMMIT; COMMIT